

Marco Sauerhöfer

“You must show leadership!”

The young female executive looked thoughtfully at her coach. “I’m already making all the decisions others are afraid to make.” - “Technically, you are excellent, but there are still deficiencies in people management. Your boss says that too, by the way.”

This situation from a coaching conversation was described by a colleague during a small group supervision session. He admitted that the conversation didn’t go as planned and didn’t satisfy him in the end. Some colleagues in the group immediately had contributions ready.

Clarifications: “You can’t plan a coaching session!”
Judgments: “You can’t say that!”
Interpretations: “You were quite presumptuous there!”
Reprimands: “You have to approach it differently! And by that, I mean …”

Find the error(s)!

In such situations, there are always déjà-vu moments. One person is trapped or entrenched in its behavioral patterns. Another is in its value system. Another sees himself at the center and compares the experience with the hypothesis of how they would have behaved or with rules. And last but not least, some are also guided by emotions.

Is there a 'Right' and a 'Wrong'?
Every supervision, every collegial, appreciative exchange is enriching.

A (thought-provoking) impulse or inspiration can lead us to act more appropriately and interact better with our environment.

What is your opinion?

#Coaching   #Supervision   #Motivation   #Development   #Impulse   #SelfReflection   #SystemicScout

© Marco Sauerhöfer 2023 ff